Over the past 3 years I have been working on a 2D Level Editor for Windows developed in Visual C#. The main reason for creating such an editor was due to the lack of solid level editors out there that could meet my strict requirements. During my game development cycle I would hit certain roadblocks that required my game levels be hand coded. I eventually started adding them to this editor instead . The end result is a very full-featured 2D level editor with a 1-to-1 representation of the level from editor to game.

Originally designed for use with AndEngine, I have since added libGDX support as it is my primary game engine. The editor saves levels to XML, so it could be used in various other engines as long as you can parse XML. In addition it currently supports the GLES2 and GLES2 Anchor Center versions of AndEngine (soon to be removed, libGDX is way better).

Here is a list of current features:

  • Asset management with drag-drop placement, rotation, scaling, sizing, alignment and manipulation
  • Animated Asset support
  • Box2D Physics Asset support
  • Box2DLights support
  • Path creation and custom waypoint system
  • Support for terrain and chained bodies
  • Parallax Scroller Support
  • libGDX, XML and AndEngine LVL format saving capability
  • Full XML code view with syntax highlighting
  • libGDX runtime so you can focus on building levels, not writing code
  • AndEngine runtime (going away)
  • Grid, Snap and Ortho Snap
  • Zooming
  • Tilemap Support (possibly removing due to other editor available for tilemaps)
  • Layer support
  • Multiple themes (skins) for the editor (some of us code in the dark, and a white or grey app is just blinding)
  • Much more
